Your Brain On...

Sugar often carries a blanket negative health connotation. But our brains need carbohydrates for everyday energy.

The term “sugar” is often used in a broad and imprecise manner, often encompassing a wide range of carbohydrates — without distinction. This oversimplification overlooks the nuanced roles and effects of different types of carbohydrates on our health.

In this episode, we aim to dissect and clarify these complexities, focusing on:

    • What sugar actually is, and how it affects our brains in different ways depending on how we consume it

    • The critical role of carbohydrates for our health, and the differences between various forms and their impacts

    • Whether sugar is really as addictive as drugs

    We explore the history of sugar, and discuss how it ended up in almost everything we see on supermarket shelves.

    Plus, we speak to Dr Alan Flanagan, an esteemed nutrition scientist and founder of Alinea Nutrition. His insights shed light on the current scientific understanding of sugar and carbohydrates, providing a deeper analysis of their implications for our well-being.

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